Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Stop looking for a savior. - When I Grow Up

Stop looking for a savior. - When I Grow Up Spoiler alert: The secret of your success and the foundation of a passionate  and lucrative business lies within YOU. You might  want it to be the online business guru. Or the marketing guru. Or the PR guru. The one who touts a six or seven-figure business and holds retreats throughout the globe. You might hope it lies in the Virtual Assistant, the copywriter, and/or the designer thats bound to make you an organized, professional, jealousy-inducing  brand. You might  wish its in your next offering or product, the perfect combination of what you think your target client might need, want, and be willing to spend. You might seek it in a popular online course, or high-cost mastermind, or expensive life coach. But really?  If you get on the train before youre sure  that you  really wanna be on it when it leaves the station, youre wasting your time and money. Youre the only one who know what needs to be fulfilled so that you can have a grown-up business you love.  Its only when you tap in to your big dreams, your lifestyle goals, and your own definition of business bliss that you can then put the wheels in motion to find your HOW. And if you cant find the clarity yourself? Then you enlist whoever you trust to bring your answer(s) into the light. Whats worked for the gurus, coaches and consultants could absolutely work for youas long as YOU know that what theyre offering is aligned with your own personal goals, dreams, and challenges. Make sure you get clear on your WHAT, your WHO and your HOW before you enlist someone to save you and sign up to blindly follow their lead. Because really, the only person who can save you (and your bank account, and wasted time and energy)? Its you.

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